Archived Fishing Reports / Fishing Blog
6-24-13 thru 7-3-13 Backwater Fishing Continues
Over the past month the weather has been nothing but high winds and lots of rain, but that doesn't stop the fish from biting. Just check out the pictures below. If you enjoy catching fish on light tackle then a Backwater trip might be right up your ally. The way things are looking right now if the wind does stop blowing the ocean will take several days to lay out and settle down. The Offshore Fishing should be good but close to the beach will not. I will be in the Backwater over the next several days so check back to see what we have been catching.

6-23-13 Backwater Fishing is Absolutly on FIRE!!!!
Today was one of those days were the fishing started out slow but then like a light switch the fish turned on and they bit very good for us. Cherry and Will are some of my favorite repeat customers and here are a few pics of there catches. Looks like tomorrows weather is going to be nasty again offshore so I will be in the Backwater tomorrow. Check back often to see our recent catches and thanks for visiting Captain Kevin

6-22-13 Backwater Fishing with Captain Kevin Sneed
The weather has continued to keep boats tied up to the dock. The offshore forecast has been terrible but that isn't the case in the Backwater. Were catching limits of Flounder, Red Drum, and Speckled Trout. Some days are better than others but we catch fish and have a good time. Check out the pics and the smiles from past trips and thank you for considering Captain Kevin Sneed

6-20-13 From Pinfish To Billfish Rigged and Ready Charters Has You Covered
Due to the weather I have been mostly Backwater fishing and it has been on fire. Several Redfish, and Blackdrum can be exspected along with Trout and Flounder mixed in. Looks like I will be offshore on Saturday so check back to see what we have been catching. Here's a few pics from the past few trips.

6-13-13 Backwater Fishing Is On Fire.
Backwater fishing is absolutly on fire. If your ready to catch fish and have a good time Come on down and get you some...