8-2-14 Now Is The Time To Book Your Charter For This Up Coming Fall!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody. I would just like to thank all of my repeat clients for their continued business over the years. It's amazing watching some of your kids grow up and hearing the stories of events that have happened to you over the past year or so. I truly love my job and have the passion to put people on fish every day. I'm really starting to get excited about the fishing this up-coming Fall. If you have never experienced fishing with Rigged and Ready Charters out of Holden Beach, NC in the Fall time then your missing a great time on the water. With the water temps cooling down and they huge mullet run we have down our coast, it can spark a recipe for some Great fishing that can also be fun for the whole family. Over the past couple weeks I have been restricted to mostly shark fishing due to the rough weather conditions. With winds blowing and heavy rain it has pushed the Spanish Mackerel way offshore along with several other species. But don't be fooled the Sharks are one of my favorite fish to catch ex specially for the group that has never been before. The big Black Tip Sharks are very acrobatic and can really put on a show, not to mention having one almost spool every bit of line of your reel. Check out the pictures below and if you have time give me a call at 910-448-3474 and let's get you set up for a fun filled day of fishing Captain Kevin Sneed www.riggedandreadycharters.com