5-17-13 Gulf Stream With Rigged and Ready Charters
Joining me today was a great crew from Summerfield, NC and we had non stop action all day. The Mahi are thick and the Wahoo are still chewing. We boated 7 Mahi and 2 Wahoo. We had several short strikes and lost a big wahoo after he dumped over 400yrds of line on the first run. The season is in full swing now so if you get time come on down and join us for a fun-filled day on the water. If its fishing in the backwater or fishing all way in the gulf stream I WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME AND CATCH SOME FISH!!!!![5-17-13](http://captainkevin.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/5-17-13.jpg)