4-7-13 Full Day Offshore with Rigged and Ready Charters
4-7-13 Well today was a special day. I had the opportunity to take a young man named Will Wright and his good friend Cherry Evans out to do some hard-core fishing 50+ miles offshore.. It was a little rough on the way out but the weather was going to be laying out through the day. Once we arrived we started trolling and the only fish we were catching were false albacore and sharks. Well we had enough of that so we tied some 7 to 10 oz, jigs on and began working them thru the water column in 100ft of water. And it began. We were hooking up fish on every drop and these were not small fish either. They were all in the 30 to 50 lb class.. Mostly amberjacks but after losing 3 big cobia beside the boat we finally nailed one at the end of trip..