12-19-2011 Gulf Stream Fishing For Wahoo Is On Fire Offshore Of Holden Beach And Oak Island, North Carolina
Have you ever heard a Penn International 50 wide reel scream so hard it sounds like its switching gears. Well if you havent and you ever get a chance to go Gulf Stream Fishing for Wahoo off of the North Carolina Coast in the month of December be ready cause there are some monster HOOS out there this time of year. We had a total of 10 strikes and landed 2 Wahoo over 50lbs and 1 nice Blackfin Tuna. A few miles to the west of me a boat landed one over a 100lbs. It was a father and son team fishing by them selves. This time of year Wahoo fishing is at its finest and if you get chance, call me and lets put a trip together. Capt. Kevin Sneed 910-448-3474